Joseph L. Akerman, Photography
Los Angeles, California

The Road

Pasadena Photography Arts Open Show, May 18, 2021.
Images submitted by Joseph Akerman.
Theme of the show is "Change".

Please scroll down to view my photos from this show.

(Some of these images have appeared in my previous galleries.)

Hollis Masked Moving

"Hollis, Masked, Moving"



Nature Critiques Capitalism

"Nature Critiques Capitalism"



hidden secret temple

"Hidden Secret Temple of the
Mysterious Lost K-Rail People of the Pearl River"


Alta Vista

"Alta Vista"

Nine Views of Yesterday

"Nine Views of Yesterday"

Weathered Doors

"Weathered Doors"

Gordon’s Dream

"Someone Had a Dream"

The Jungle Eventually Reclaims Everything

"The Jungle Eventually Reclaims Everything"



Each Path was Somebody’s Journey


Tortured Land

"Tortured Land"

Merced River

"Black Glass"

Wall with Wild Grapes


Tropic Winter

"Tropic Winter"

Extent of Reach

"Extent of Reach"

solitude - bakersfield national cemetery




The Road

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This website and all photographs herein are copyrighted.
Joseph L. Akerman, 2010 - 2023.
All Rights Reserved.